Monday, 26 April 2010

Absent and the countdown

I've been absent. I can't think of a good enough excuse. Sure I was on holiday but they have internet in florida, I have been working but I was always working. I wish I could say that I was too busy finishing my novel to write this blog, alas, that too would be an excuse and, worse still, an outright lie.

I do however have news that may explain my absense. If it doesn't then it serves as news that this blog is changing....

I have found out that there is going to be a literary baby in October..... This blog is not about babies so I will not dwell on my baby news too much, suffice it to say however that I now have a deadline for the completion of my novel.

I have added a countdown clock to this blog. The clock is ticking down to my baby due date and now my novel completion date.

I'll update this blog every time I have written some more of my novel and I will continue to bring literary news from around London, the web and inside my head.

So no more procrastination, no more twiddling my thumbs and no more social life, well within reason. Instead I will simply be writing, writing, writing.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Charlotte honey! This blog is a very good idea, now I can know what's going on in your life^^
    CONGRATS ABOUT THE BABY!!! I'm very glad for you and hubby!! this is so cool!!
    Anyway, I'll keep on reading your blog, you keep on writing this novel!
    miss you!!
    Clem who misses London!
